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VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. See "About VirtualBox" for an introduction.

LBOX download free version

VirtualBox is free and is a great tool for running multiple operating systems on a single OS. Ubuntu has many benefits. If you're a beginner to Linux, I would recommend you use Ubuntu as it's beginner friendly.

You can go to File > Check for Updates to check and see if any updates are available. This notification pop-up window usually appears automatically after launching VirtualBox when a minor update is available (for example update from v.5.2.16 to v.5.2.30). Click the download link displayed in the window below if you wish to download that version for an update. The installer that is downloaded can be used as an updater.

If you want to download the latest version and perform a major version update, go to the official VirtualBox site and download the latest VirtualBox installer for your platform (Windows in this case). VirtualBox 6 contains a set of new features including VM export to Oracle Cloud, high-resolution support, GUI improvements, better 3D graphics support, etc. Be aware that VirtualBox 6 supports only 64-bit host operating systems. If you have a 32-bit host operating system, you should use VirtualBox 5 or install the 64-bit host OS in order to install the newest VirtualBox 6 version.

Accept the warning about network interfaces that will be temporarily disconnected during the next installation/updating step. This warning allows you to avoid unexpected interruption of the network connection during installation. Hit Yes when you are ready to proceed without any concern that, for example, a critical downloading process could be aborted.

Visit the official site and download the newest VirtualBox installer to be used to update an existing VirtualBox version on macOS. Save the DMG installation VirtualBox image (VirtualBox-6.0.8-130520-OSX.dmg in this case) to the custom folder.

For PySimpleGUIWeb programs you run using will automatically download and install the latest PySimpleGUIWeb from PyPI onto a virtual Python environment. All that is required is to type import PySimpleGUIWeb you'll have a Python environment up and running with the latest PyPI release of PySimpleGUIWeb.

Educators in particular should be interested. Students can not only post their homework easily for their teacher to access, but teachers can also run the students programs online. No downloading needed. Run it and check the results.

Don't sit and stew, trying the same thing over and over, until you hate life... stop, and post an Issue on the GitHub. Someone WILL answer you. Support is included in the purchase price for this package (the quality level matches the price as well I'm afraid). Just don't be too upset when your free support turns out to be a little bit crappy, but it's free and typically good advice.

This downloader can download files as well as YouTube videos and metadata. If you're worried about multiple windows working, don't. Worried your project is "too much" or "too complex" for PySimpleGUI? Do an initial assessment if you want. Check out what others have done.

If you're wanting to play with OpenCV download the OpenCV Demo Programs and give them a try. Seeing your webcam running in the middle of a GUI window is quite a thrill if you're trying to integrate with the OpenCV package.

Be sure that you delete this file if you install a newer pip version. Often the sequence of events is that a bug you've reported was fixed and checked into GitHub. You download the file (or the appropriately named one for your port) and put with your app. Then later your fix is posted with a new release on PyPI. You'll want to delete the GitHub one before you install from pip.

Let's say you do end up using non-blocking reads... then you've got some housekeeping to do. It's up to you to periodically "refresh" the visible GUI. The longer you wait between updates to your GUI the more sluggish your windows will feel. It is up to you to make these calls or your GUI will freeze.

When you close a window and delete the layout, the tkinter widgets that were in use in the window are no longer needed. Python marks them to be handled by the "Garbage Collector". They're deleted but not quite gone from memory. Then, later, while your thread is running, the Python Garbage Collect algorithm decides it's time to run garbage collect. When it tells tkinter to free up the memory, the tkinter code looks to see what context it is running under. It sees that it's a thread, not the main thread, and generates this exception.

If you file an Issue for a bug, have located the bug, and found a fix in 10 lines of code or less.... and you wish to share your fix with the community, then feel free to include it with the filed Issue. If it's longer than 10 lines and wish to discuss it, then send an email to

In response to a number of email contacts from individuals and corporations that are using PySimpleGUI that wanted to financially support the project a "Support" Button was added to the GitHub site. This support button is connected with a PayPal account. If you wish to help support this currently freely supplied software and free technical support, then follow this link: You'll find all the ways you can help support PySimpleGUI in the readme.

The project is self-funded and there are ongoing costs just to offer the software (URLs, ReadTheDocs, etc). If you're a corporate user and find that PySimpleGUI is helping you financially, that's awesome. If you want to help ensure PySimpleGUI has a future, you now have that option to help. It's likely that at some point the costs will become too high for the project to continue to be free or perhaps continue at all, but until then we'll all enjoy the successes we're having.

The corrected incompressible mesh-less Lagrangian SPH method described in Part I of this two-part paper is implemented to simulate the filling and passing ability in a confined zone in the L-box. The flow-ability of SCC mixes with and without fibres has been assessed using the slump cone test in Part I of this paper [1]. Other important properties of an SCC mix in a free surface flow besides its flow-ability are the filling and passing ability in a confined zone. The filling ability, the blocking resistance and the segregation resistance are investigated in the L-box test. For that reason, 3-dimensional simulations of the SCC mixes were undertaken in the L-box configuration to examine the flow and filling characteristics of the SCC mix in a restricted region and its ability to pass through gaps between steel bars without any segregation or blockage of its larger components. The simulation results are compared with the laboratory tests.

As mentioned in Part I, appropriate initial and boundary conditions need to be applied when solving the mass and momentum conservation equations. In the simulation of the L-box test, the SCC mix in the vertical leg of the box is at rest until the gate is opened. As far as the boundary conditions are concerned, three types of boundary conditions need to be considered; a zero pressure condition on the free surface, Dirichlet boundary condition at the walls of the box, and Neumann conditions on the pressure gradient (this additional zero pressure gradient condition is needed only for solving the second-order pressure Poisson equation), as illustrated in Fig. 3.

L-box test boundary conditions (\(P\) - pressure, \(v_n \)- normal velocity, \(v_t\) - tangential velocity, and \(c_ f\) - the dynamic coefficient of friction). Pressure vanishes on a free surface. Note that the condition that the normal pressure gradient vanishes on rigid surfaces is only needed in the solution of the pressure Poisson Equation (10) in [1]

Four arrays of rigid dummy particles placed outside the wall and the base of the L-box were used to implement the boundary conditions. Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions were imposed on the wall and the base of the L-box. Sliding frictional resistance between the SCC mix and rigid boundaries was imposed as illustrated in Fig. 3 with a dynamic coefficient of friction between the SCC mix and steel equal to 0.55 Ns/m. This coefficient has been estimated previously (see Part I) [1] by matching the t\(_500\) in a slump cone test with the simulated result. As the L-box gate is lifted, the condition \(P=0 \) is imposed on the newly formed free surfaces of the flowing SCC mix.

It should be mentioned that the end particles representing the fibres are randomly distributed, but as the distance between these particles is fixed and equal to the fibre length, a number of degrees of freedom are suppressed. Referring to Table 4, this means that 298 degrees of freedom out of a possible 178704 are suppressed in Mix 2 and 1490 in Mix 4.

hence it follows that the number of fibres cut by 40x40 mm\(^2\) side of cube is \(E(c)\)=118. The vertical section of the L-box at 200 mm (Fig. 18) has a surface area equal to 25400 \(\hbox mm^2\), so that the total number of fibres cut by this section is \(\frac11840*40*25400=1873\) fibres out of a total of 45250 fibres in the L-box (Eq. (9)). The number of fibres that should theoretically be cut by the vertical cross-section of the L-box at 200 mm after 2 s flow time is 1490*1873/45250 = 62 fibres. Table 6 compares the numbers of fibres in a vertical cross-section based on the 3D simulations with the Buffon problem solution. The small difference between the theoretical and simulated numbers is because of the pseudo-random nature of the fibre distribution in the simulations. The distribution is pseudo-random because some of the degrees of freedom of the fibre end particles are suppressed, as explained above. 2ff7e9595c

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